Saturday, October 13, 2018

Boo hoo ladies fashion clothing clearance

It’s your lucky day if you want to make money , we have about 1500 pieces of boo hoo ladies wear at only £1.50 per item , call us today on 01472 210829

Nordman fir Christmas trees order now

Yes its that time of year again and the famous words are mentioned daily { doesn't  time fly ) well yes it certainly does and its another year older .

ok rant over , on to business , would you like to sell cut Christmas tree's and earn a lot of money , if thats a yes well we can supply you , we carry a very large amount of tree's all ready to go from the 24th of november  , so if you are interested get in touch with us or visit us at .

Tel us on 01472 210829

Friday, October 12, 2018

Mini chrysanthemum's special clearance offer

Look at the these amazing shrubs , we have a large amount of stock available and of course they are perennials so they return  every year .

Please ask us about all our other plants and shrubs , we supply landscapers , retailers etc or any one that likes saving money , they beauties are only £2 each .

Please call us to discuss on 01472 210829 or visit